Rubber Ducky…You’re the one

It’s the first love song I knew the words to:) You can’t help but smile when you hear it (or sing it!).

Ever since the bathroom got a new mirror I’ve wanted to add something to the wall behind it. I wanted something subtle because the room is quite long and narrow and I still want your eye to travel to the window, not freeze on a large picture or colourful piece of art.

I also wanted something that spoke to you when opened the curtain fresh from the morning shower.

Enter rubber ducky.

And gold spray paint:)

Heather In Heels blog rubber ducky artwork

A visit to the dollar store produced a rubber duck. I then used my kitchen shears to cut it in half and then spray painted the heck out of each half. Once it was dry, it got glued onto the canvas (which I had painted white) and then I added my favourite part of the song, “you’re the one”.

Heather In Heels blog rubber ducky bathroom art

It’s been up for a week now and I have to say, every morning as I exit the shower it serves as a pleasant little love note and I can’t help but smile.

Heather In Heels blog Rubber Ducky You're the One artwork DIY


    • by Heather on February 9, 2014  11:13 am Reply

      It sure does:)

  1. by Isabelle on February 10, 2014  8:53 am Reply

    Awesome. Love it!

    • by Heather on February 10, 2014  9:27 am Reply

      thanks Isabelle!

    • by Heather on February 10, 2014  9:42 am Reply

      Thanks Judy!

  2. by Kristen on February 10, 2014  11:24 am Reply

    Adorable! I cant help but smiling!

    • by Heather on February 10, 2014  4:13 pm Reply

      exactly! I love it:)

  3. by Time With Thea on February 10, 2014  11:49 am Reply

    Now this is totally fun, unique and delightful! What a creative way to add decor to the bathroom! Love it! ~Thea

    • by Heather on February 10, 2014  4:13 pm Reply

      thanks so much Thea!

  4. by on February 10, 2014  11:55 am Reply

    Rubber ducky + gold spray paint = brilliant! This is a great bathroom project!

    • by Heather on February 10, 2014  4:14 pm Reply

      thanks Sabrina! I can just see it in so many colours - would be great for a kids bathroom, maybe a whole bunch with each in a different colour! :)

  5. by Dani @ lifeovereasy on February 10, 2014  7:55 pm Reply

    That is clever and cute! Decorating is supposed to be fun, right? And thanks for Ernie, he's till my fav!

    • by Heather on February 10, 2014  9:02 pm Reply

      Agree:)! fun for sure!

  6. by Andrea on February 11, 2014  9:26 pm Reply

    That is seriously cute. I love it!

    • by Heather on February 12, 2014  7:03 am Reply

      thanks Andrea!

  7. by Lindsey on February 13, 2014  9:23 am Reply

    Very cute and subtle! Like it!

    • by Heather on February 13, 2014  9:25 am Reply

      Thanks Linds!

  8. by Christine on February 14, 2014  2:48 pm Reply

    GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! GENIUS!!! I'm so pinning this!

    • by Heather on February 14, 2014  2:49 pm Reply

      :) you made my day! I am totally printing this comment:)

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