The Evolving Hallway

Our hallway evolved a bit more this weekend. A beautiful sunny afternoon, a few hours to myself, and some paint generally mean change is afoot. Such was the case Saturday afternoon.

Let’s back track a bit though. When we first moved in, the only item in the hallway was a painting. Then we inherited this fabulous sewing table, so it landed there.

Once I painted the hallway, I moved the painting to a more featured spot at the bottom of the stairs – which I love. That left the hallway once again naked.

I tried bringing the red dresser down from the guest room and while I enjoyed the pop of colour this arrangement didn’t last too long. I felt it was too heavy there, too squished into the corner. Plus, it was annoying to reach up to get the phone.

The next evolution was this vintage school desk and chair. This arrangement was nice, you had somewhere to sit when you were on the phone, but again it felt a little squished.

Which leads us to this.

A few years ago I bought this old washstand at a garage sale. It wasn’t in the greatest condition, so I sanded it down and painted it green. It was a bedside table for a few years, but I never really felt it had reached it’s full potential. I felt the same way about the hallway.

So on Saturday afternoon I dragged the table outside, gave it a good sand, and two good coats of black flooring paint.

And now it’s in the hallway and I LOVE it! This evolution is my favourite so far.

Do you move furniture around your house? I like to think it’s always evolving, just like me. It may acheive perfection for a while, but there are always improvements to be made, always changes that may surprise you.


  1. by cathyfischer5 on October 22, 2013  7:28 am Reply

    I love how it looks now. Great job! I just found your blog and love it. Now I am off to sign up for your new entries in blog land. So I can add you to my collection of Canadian blogs that I follow.

    • by Heather on October 22, 2013  8:43 am Reply

      wow! Thanks so much Cathy:)!

  2. Pingback : Heather In Heels » Taking Life One Fabulous Step at a Time » DIY Christmas…part 1

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