Current Obsessions

It must be because Spring is in the air, but I’m loving big salads. Like Elaine.

We cooked a nice big flank steak for dinner earlier this week, and it gave us both lunch for two days. I made this salad both days. Both days it was awesome. I am now plotting this weeks meal plan in order to do it again.

See. Doesn’t it look yummy?!


Another current obsession for this week/weekend is this song by Atlas Genius. I. Am. Loving. It. Seriously. I had it on repeat for about an hour yesterday.

Atlast Geniusbig saladElainesalad eggsSeinfeld


  1. by on April 30, 2013  6:05 am Reply

    I love your blog posts!!! Your salad looks delish, by the way!!

    • by Heather on April 30, 2013  1:57 pm Reply

      :) thanks Christine!

  2. by Sarah on May 1, 2013  7:04 pm Reply

    I absolutely love how colorful your salad is! (and plate and cutlery for that matter!) Looks delish!

    • by Heather on May 2, 2013  1:02 pm Reply

      Thanks so much Sarah! It was so great to meet you IRL:)

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