Tags archives: Food

  • Rayne Whole Food Dog Treat Review & Giveaway

  • It's been over four months now we've fed our boys exclusively Rayne Whole Food and I am still shocked at the massive improvement we've seen in Hermann's health and general demeanour. Both boys have noticeably softer coats, their stool is solid and healthy, and for Hermann - all skin issues have gone. All. GONE. And he's dropped close to 15 pounds! (does Rayne make a dog-mom formula I wonder? LO[...]
  • A summer garden party with #MolsonCDN67

  • Last weekend we had the pleasure of hosting six great friends and all their kids for a late afternoon of hanging out in the yard, enjoying good food, and great company. I was asked by #MolsonCDN67 to give their lo-cal (only 67 calories...get it?) beer a try and was generously provided some beer glasses and compensation towards a backyard get together. (Thanks Molson!) We had a full spre[...]
  • Perfect Jalapeño Poppers

  • I love spice. So when I see the perfect jalapeños for making poppers, I scoop them up! Which is what happened yesterday. All you need are jalapeños, cream cheese (I used the new PC Greek Yogurt one - and loved it!), shredded cheese, panko, green onions, an egg, and some paprika. After cutting and seeding the jalapeños, fill them with a mixture of cream cheese, shredded cheese, and sliced gr[...]
  • Weekend Brunch with the #GuelphBlogBrunch ladies

  • Last Sunday was another delightful edition of the #GuelphBlogBrunch.  Each brunch is at a different restaurant, so when State & Main reached out and suggested we try out their new Guelph location, we jumped! And speaking of jumping, en route that morning I spied a cute little night stand on the side of the road...so naturally, I stopped the car, jumped out, and swiftly claimed it for my[...]
  • Packing an easy picnic and what plumbing had to do with it

  • Last week we experienced some adventures in plumbing. As I've mentioned before, this is an old house....but, let's start at the beginning. A few weeks ago our kitchen sink decided to stop draining - well, it went really slowly and it left the sink a mess after doing the dishes. So...we called a plumber. It's amazing how exciting this was to me, mostly because I got a fancy new faucet for m[...]
  • Easy Summer Meals

  • I love to barbecue. We use our barbecue all year long and in the warmer months it is pretty much a daily affair. Most of my favourite summer meals are easy meals involving the barbecue and something quick and easy like a salad. Most weeks you'll find us enjoying burgers at least once, most times twice - I don't like freezing buns unless I have to. We usually enjoy our burgers with a side of [...]
  • Fiestaware obsessed

  • I have an obsession with dishes. This may be putting it mildly. There is more than one complete set in our house, and I'm guessing I have enough plates to serve 70 people+. So, yes, a mild obsession. Other people get to stock their cupboards with sippy cups, I get the fun stuff:) Some of my favourites are my Fiestaware. It's the bright colours, the way they mix and match, the way a [...]
  • Target Canada Launch Party Fun

  • This past week I was lucky enough to go to the Target Canada Launch Party. I’ve mentioned before my love of Target aka Le Targé. So I was super pumped to check it out. The invitation was sooo pretty. In addition to many fabulous bloggers, there were also some celebrities. I saw Dan Levy (even cuter in person!), Kardinal Official, and apparently SJP was there...I didn’t see her though. I wa[...]
  • Fabulous food in Japan

  • It’s been over a week since my last meal in Japan, but I can still taste it. It was that good. In fact, all the meals I enjoyed were fantastic. The most uninspiring meal I had all day (and this is saying something) was my breakfast: a bowl of freshly cut grapefruit, orange, pineapple, and mango. Usually accompanied by a freshly made waffle with Canadian maple syrup. It was a great meal, but nothin[...]
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