Category archives: Food

  • A summer garden party with #MolsonCDN67

  • Last weekend we had the pleasure of hosting six great friends and all their kids for a late afternoon of hanging out in the yard, enjoying good food, and great company. I was asked by #MolsonCDN67 to give their lo-cal (only 67 calories...get it?) beer a try and was generously provided some beer glasses and compensation towards a backyard get together. (Thanks Molson!) We had a full spre[...]
  • Perfect Jalapeño Poppers

  • I love spice. So when I see the perfect jalapeños for making poppers, I scoop them up! Which is what happened yesterday. All you need are jalapeños, cream cheese (I used the new PC Greek Yogurt one - and loved it!), shredded cheese, panko, green onions, an egg, and some paprika. After cutting and seeding the jalapeños, fill them with a mixture of cream cheese, shredded cheese, and sliced gr[...]
  • Weekend Brunch with the #GuelphBlogBrunch ladies

  • Last Sunday was another delightful edition of the #GuelphBlogBrunch.  Each brunch is at a different restaurant, so when State & Main reached out and suggested we try out their new Guelph location, we jumped! And speaking of jumping, en route that morning I spied a cute little night stand on the side of the naturally, I stopped the car, jumped out, and swiftly claimed it for my[...]
  • Packing an easy picnic and what plumbing had to do with it

  • Last week we experienced some adventures in plumbing. As I've mentioned before, this is an old house....but, let's start at the beginning. A few weeks ago our kitchen sink decided to stop draining - well, it went really slowly and it left the sink a mess after doing the dishes. So...we called a plumber. It's amazing how exciting this was to me, mostly because I got a fancy new faucet for m[...]
  • Easy Summer Meals

  • I love to barbecue. We use our barbecue all year long and in the warmer months it is pretty much a daily affair. Most of my favourite summer meals are easy meals involving the barbecue and something quick and easy like a salad. Most weeks you'll find us enjoying burgers at least once, most times twice - I don't like freezing buns unless I have to. We usually enjoy our burgers with a side of [...]
  • Fiestaware obsessed

  • I have an obsession with dishes. This may be putting it mildly. There is more than one complete set in our house, and I'm guessing I have enough plates to serve 70 people+. So, yes, a mild obsession. Other people get to stock their cupboards with sippy cups, I get the fun stuff:) Some of my favourites are my Fiestaware. It's the bright colours, the way they mix and match, the way a [...]
  • Canada Dry Real SurPrizes

  • Pop was mostly considered a ‘treat’ for me as a kid. The one I fondly remember cherishing alongside summer hot dogs with my Dad at the cottage, was Ginger Ale. Another fond memory was enjoying Ginger Ale in my ice cream floats with my Step Dad. The ginger was the perfect companion to vanilla ice cream. Today in fact, during a working lunch meeting it was a can of Canada Dry Ginger Ale I [...]
  • Current Obsessions

  • It must be because Spring is in the air, but I’m loving big salads. Like Elaine. We cooked a nice big flank steak for dinner earlier this week, and it gave us both lunch for two days. I made this salad both days. Both days it was awesome. I am now plotting this weeks meal plan in order to do it again. See. Doesn’t it look yummy?! h Another current obsession for this week/weekend is this song by [...]
  • Fabulous food in Japan

  • It’s been over a week since my last meal in Japan, but I can still taste it. It was that good. In fact, all the meals I enjoyed were fantastic. The most uninspiring meal I had all day (and this is saying something) was my breakfast: a bowl of freshly cut grapefruit, orange, pineapple, and mango. Usually accompanied by a freshly made waffle with Canadian maple syrup. It was a great meal, but nothin[...]