Tags archives: dinner

  • Weekend Brunch with the #GuelphBlogBrunch ladies

  • Last Sunday was another delightful edition of the #GuelphBlogBrunch.  Each brunch is at a different restaurant, so when State & Main reached out and suggested we try out their new Guelph location, we jumped! And speaking of jumping, en route that morning I spied a cute little night stand on the side of the road...so naturally, I stopped the car, jumped out, and swiftly claimed it for my[...]
  • Easy Summer Meals

  • I love to barbecue. We use our barbecue all year long and in the warmer months it is pretty much a daily affair. Most of my favourite summer meals are easy meals involving the barbecue and something quick and easy like a salad. Most weeks you'll find us enjoying burgers at least once, most times twice - I don't like freezing buns unless I have to. We usually enjoy our burgers with a side of [...]