Tags archives: antique

  • Antiquing Fun & a Fabulous Find

  • I have been on the hunt for a vintage apple picking ladder (at a reasonable price) for a few years now. And last Sunday, it was found:) A delightful, but cold, Sunday morning was spent at the Aberfoyle Antique Market with some of my favourite ladies. Amazing to think we met just a year ago! How pleased am I driving home with this fab find!? The ladder now sits proudly against the [...]
  • Vintage addition to main floor powder room

  • We were recently given what the generous gift giver thought was an antique bicycle pump. After some research online, I discovered it was a vintage garden sprayer. My guess is that you would connect a hose from your water basin and then pump the water out through the holes at the end. Kind of a like an old school super soaker. We both think it's quite lovely looking and so I put my brain to figu[...]
  • The Evolving Hallway

  • Our hallway evolved a bit more this weekend. A beautiful sunny afternoon, a few hours to myself, and some paint generally mean change is afoot. Such was the case Saturday afternoon. Let's back track a bit though. When we first moved in, the only item in the hallway was a painting. Then we inherited this fabulous sewing table, so it landed there. Once I painted the hallway, I moved the [...]